
We are a team of professionals dedicated to comprehensive foot care. We have extensive knowledge in the fields of human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and biomechanics of the lower limb. We focus on the treatment and prevention of foot diseases.

+506 4703-5280

Plaza Del Rio - San Rafael de Escazú, San José - Costa Rica.

Monday - Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Saturday - 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

+ 506 4703-5280 / + 506 6243-0419


Andar Costa Rica  >  Treatment for Ingrown Nail

Treatment for Ingrown Nail

This problem, also known as onychocryptosis, is caused when the tip of the nail is folded by one of its sides inward and is embodied in the skin surrounding it. The area becomes very sensitive turns red and frequently may become infected and form a blister with pus, known as a granuloma.

The origin of toenails

The origin of toenails, annoying and often painful problem of ingrown nails is derived from poor cuts of nails, improper footwear or deformations caused by fungi or natural alterations.

ANDAR offers relief and treatment for patients who suffer from ingrown nails. The treatment is made by a professional in podiatry or a specialist with an application of topical or local anesthesia, depending of the case.

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